Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, and Voiding Dysfunction
At Rogue Valley Urology, we’re experts at treating overactive bladder, incontinence, and voiding dysfunction. Overactive bladder is marked by urgent or frequent urination, often more than eight times a day, and urine retention. Urinary incontinence and voiding dysfunction describe conditions in which the bladder cannot store urine properly (incontinence) or empty properly (voiding dysfunction). These conditions affect both men and women.
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is essentially the inability to control urine flow. Incontinence has varying degrees, from intermittent leakage upon coughing, sneezing, or lifting, to a strong, sudden need to urinate that cannot wait until you reach the toilet. While this condition can lead to embarrassment, it is quite common and treatable. While many factors, such as age, infection, surgeries, obesity, certain medications, and smoking, are known to contribute to urinary incontinence, the main causes are neurologic disease, prostate disease, and obstetric factors including childbirth.
Overactive Bladder
With overactive bladder, you’ll experience a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate even though your bladder may only contain a small amount of urine. This condition can occur when the nerve signals between your bladder and brain tell your bladder to empty even when it isn’t full. It can also happen when your bladder muscles are too active. Overactive bladder can lead to urinary incontinence. In men, these symptoms can be due to an enlarged prostate. In children, this condition can result in bed wetting.
Neurogenic Bladder
This happens when a person cannot control their bladder because of a brain, spine, or nerve condition.
Voiding Dysfunction
Voiding dysfunction occurs when you do not empty your bladder normally. You may wait too long to urinate, urinate too often, or try to urinate when the muscles that keep urine in your bladder are clamped down.
In order to understand your condition, we may perform diagnostic testing such as uroflow, cystoscopy, ultrasound, or urodynamics. Then we’ll base your treatment on the specific cause and the severity of your condition. Often, several treatments will be used in combination. These may include behavioral modifications, physical therapy, medications, and surgery.
Learn More
- The American Urological Association’s webpage on Urinary Incontinence.