Patient Forms
For your convenience, Rogue Valley Urology makes our patient forms available online. We encourage you to print these forms and complete them before your visit. This enables us to make the most of your time in the office. Please present the forms to us when you check in for your visit, along with a list of your current medications, insurance card, and driver’s license or other photo ID.
New Patient Forms
Bend Office Forms: Click here to download the Bend new patient forms
- Patient Information Form
- Consent Form
- Financial Policy
- Health History Form
Medical Records Requests
Please complete one of the following forms to request medical records from our office or request another entity send Rogue Valley Urology your records:
Release of Information– use this form if you want to request your records be sent to another entity or request another entity send your records to Rogue Valley Urology.
Patient Requesting Access to Their Medical Record – use this form if you are requesting a copy of your own medical record.
Patient Information Forms
Vasectomy Information and Consent
Instructions Concerning Vasectomy
Prep Information for Vasectomy Patients
Discharge Instructions for Vasectomy
Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male Screening Form
Bladder Diary and Instructions pdf
Foley Catheter Care Instructions