Male Factor Infertility and Varicocele
We offer a variety of techniques to address male infertility problems and treat the underlying causes. We understand that this can be a frustrating experience for you and we will do all we can to put you at ease and offer the most efficient medical solutions.
Male Factor Infertility
If you fail to conceive after one year of trying, we may perform various tests to determine the possible cause of your infertility. Many factors can trigger reduced sperm output – genetic factors, long-term illnesses, childhood infections, hormonal or chromosomal deficiencies, or lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol use, and certain medications. The most common cause of infertility is linked to structural irregularities, most notably varicoceles (see below).
To resolve your infertility problems, we can try medications, adjusting your hormone levels to increase testicular testosterone, microsurgery to repair damage from blockages, and correction of swollen veins in the scrotum. There is also the option of artificial insemination.
Learn More
- The American Urological Association’s webpage on Male Factor Infertility.
- You can also download the AUA booklet, entitled “Tackling Male-Factor Infertility.”
As we mentioned above, varicoceles are the most common cause of infertility among men. A varicocele is a snake-like bundle of enlarged or dilated varicose veins around the testicles, similar to varicose veins that occur in the leg. While they typically form on the left side, a varicocele in one testicle can affect sperm production in both testicles.
Most varicoceles develop over time, often starting during puberty. Even as they enlarge and become more noticeable, they may not exhibit any other symptoms. Many varicoceles do not require treatment, yet surgery is an option if you experience pain or infertility.
Learn More
- The American Urological Association’s webpage on Varicocele.